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Excellence in Leadership & Management starts here

Consultants quickly progress to managing others. This is the start of their journey to becoming a leader within the firm, and can be a challenging step.

Moving from doing to delegating. Holding difficult conversations about performance. Being a coach. Learning, and influencing, how the firm operates.


There can be moments that provoke and develop self-awareness. With growing demands from team members and Partners, increasingly senior clients, and often family too, this is a time when resilience can become critical.


We help your team navigate the journey into consulting firm Leadership through specialist skills training and 1-2-1 coaching.

Leadership & Management Skills Training Modules

Consulting Project Management


  • Problem Statement Worksheet

  • Waterfall & Agile approaches

  • Hypothesis-led work planning

  • Managing client resources

Consulting Project Management
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Situational Leadership

Situational Leadership


  • Confidence vs. Competence (Dunning-Krueger)

  • Directive vs. supportive leadership styles

  • Adapting your leadership style to their needs

  • Manager on a page

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Change Management

Change Management


  • Business cases & ROI

  • Change theory

  • Change planning

  • Energy & commitment

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Firm Leadership

Firm Leadership


  • Contributing to culture

  • Team building & selection

  • Building followship

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Resilience in Consulting

Resilience in


  • Self-awareness & stress management

  • Boundaries & Needs

  • Staying in control

  • Maintaining perspective

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Coaching & Feedback

Coaching & Feedback


  • Coaching conversations

  • Difficult conversations

  • Performance reviews

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Consulting Firm Economics

Consulting Firm


  • How firms make money

  • Project profitablity drivers

  • Profit leakage

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Consulting Firm Operations

Consulting Firm


  • Exploiting AI in consulting

  • Decision effectiveness

  • Processes & automation

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Case Study

Oxbow Partners logo

Oxbow Partners is a specialist management consultancy in the insurance sector. They wanted to enhance the core consulting skills traning for their Graduate Programme and develop leadership, project management, and client management skills for their Manager group.   


We worked in partnership with Oxbow’s HR and Training leads to complete an assessment of current skills and confidence levels through surveys and interviews. This informed our initial designs and identified specific training needs for grade groups and individuals.

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Our Approach

We consistently receive excellent feedback ratings from clients, and we know why. If you work with us you will benefit from:


1.  Our extensive library of consulting skills training modules from which we develop tailored courses to target your needs.


2.  Case studies developed specifically for your firm to provide the basis of your training exercises and role plays.


3.  Training delivered by our seasoned consultants who bring relevant industry experience and understand the demands your team are facing.


4.  Relevant, accessible, practical, and engaging content with our support and expertise to ensure it has lasting impact.





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