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At Honeycomb, we operate with an abundance mindset

That means we believe in sharing what we know and have. That there are ample opportunities for everyone to succeed. That we focus on doing what we do really well, and we don't waste energy on fear and competition.

We  run workshops and webinars where you can experience our world-class training for free. We publish regular articles to our blog, The Skilled Consultant. And our founder, Deri, is co-host of a leadership podcast called Show Up! We hope you will find these resources valuable. 

We publish a regular newsletter, The Skilled Consultant, where we share our most impactful training tools, skills development tips for consultants, and insights from working within and alongside some of the world’s best consulting firms.
See our most recent articles below, and subscribe for free to receive future articles direct to your inbox.   

Subscribe to The Skilled Consultant

We run regular workshops and webinars to help you develop an exceptional consulting team.
Register for upcoming events and watch some of our past webinars on demand - it's all free!

The Consulting Skills Accelerator Toolkit

Beyond the Competency Framework

You likely have a Competency Framework so your team know WHAT you want them to do. But do they know HOW? We help our clients develop the powerful triad - a Skills Framework and Mindset Framework to sit along their Competency Framework.
In this webinar, we will dive into the blockers to capability development, discuss how to address them, and share examples of Skills Frameworks and Mindset Frameworks so you can help your team develop their capabilities faster.


Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Live on Teams, register for free!

The Consulting Skills Accelerator Toolkit

Developing your Network as a Consultant

A lot of consultants have a fear of Sales. Even the word has a bad rep. But Sales is really about relationships. Having a network of strong relationships can set you up to make the sales part easy - you're just helping solve problems for people you know. In this taster session we'll be digging in to some important building blocks. Join us to learn a systematic approach to developing your network as a consultant, with practical tools to apply during and after the session.


Wednesday, 20 November 2024

Live on Teams, register for free!

The Consulting Skills Accelerator Toolkit

Does Training Work? Measuring the Impact of your Training Investment

Training is a major investment of time and money. But, most consulting firms don't have great systems to track the benefits they get from that training. We don't think that's good enough. In this webinar we'll be explaining how we embed Impact Analytics, what data sources you need for different types of training, and of course sharing examples of the measurable impact that's possible. You'll be able to take our approach and apply it to your own training sessions


Thursday, 24 October 2024

Live on Teams, register for free!

The Consulting Skills Accelerator Toolkit

Consulting Skills Accelerator

Discover a proven framework to accelerate team development, drive profit growth by up to £500k per consultant, and free up senior partners for high-impact tasks.

60 mins

The Consulting Skills Accelerator Toolkit

Training Curriculum Design

Simplifies the complex process of training curriculum design into four key building blocks and equips you with practical tools to enhance your training programmes.

50 mins

The Consulting Skills Accelerator Toolkit

Writing Compelling Recommendations

A comprehensive guide for consultants on crafting effective and engaging recommendations. This will equip you with practical tools and techniques that you can use straight away.

62 mins

The Consulting Skills Accelerator Toolkit

Senior Skill Development

Covers the importance of taking a structured approach to senior skill development, using tailored tools and continuous measurement to drive improvements​​.

48 mins

A comprehensive toolkit to support skill development for your consulting team


This digital toolkit provides everything you need to implement the Consulting Skills Accelerator in your firm. 

You will receive:

  1. Workplan - design & implement your Consulting Skills Accelerator.

  2. Workshop agendas - identify what is important for your firm. 

  3. Competency Framework Database - 400 detailed definitions of skills across 100 different areas, for your Consultants AND internal teams. 

  4. Interactive templates for project reviews, biannual reviews, self-assessments, and personal development plans. 

  5. Our approach to decision design - how to set-up your Resourcing processes to drive skill development.

  6. Internal Comms Plan - announce the changes to your team.

  7. Financial model - estimate the benefit of implementing this approach in your business. 

A typical firm can accelerate promotions by 6+ months and generate £500,000+ of incremental profit per Consultant over 5 years.


What's the opportunity for you?

"This is a brilliant aid for a consulting firm to manage and measure what they are doing. Rich with information and great if you haven't yet built your own toolkit. Recommended!"

Show Up! Logo Square transparent

Join Deri Hughes, Graham Roberts, and Jamie Garner as they explore what it means to be a conscious leader in today's world. 
Now in its third season with over 30 episodes available, and many featuring esteemed guests. This podcast doesn't shy away from the big topics - diversity in the workplace, leading in an epidemic of long-term absence, organisational bloat, and intergenerational differences to name a few. 

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